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Paper Primary author name Publication year
A first look at CRISM hyperspectral mapping mosaicked data: Results from Mawrth Vallis Icarus : Phillips, M. 2023
A Revised Trapped Melt Model for Iron Meteorites Applied to the IIIAB Group Meteoritics and Planetary Science : Chabot, N. 2021
An Engineering Model of Turbulence in the Venus Atmosphere for the DAVINCI Mission : Lorenz, R.
An Experimental Study of Trace Element Partitioning into Troilite during Iron Meteorite Crystallization Meteoritics and Planetary Science : Chabot, N. 2024
An Ultraviolet Analysis of Lunar Swirls by Night and Day Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets submitted:TBD Cahill, J. 2020
An updated shape model of Dimorphos from DART data Planetary Science Journal : Daly, R. 2024
Analytic Rock Abundance Distributions and their application to Spacecraft Landing Hazards Planetary and Space Science : Lorenz, R. 2023
Anomalous Phyllosilicate‐Bearing Outcrops South of Coprates Chasma: A Study of Possible Emplacement Mechanisms Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets 124: Buczkowski, D. 2019
Application of Under-Sampled Microphone Signals to Wind Measurement Earth and Space Science 99:99-999 Lorenz, R. 2022
Asteroid 21 Lutetia at 3 micrometers: Observations with IRTF SpeX Icarus 216:62-68 Rivkin, A. 2011
Comparative Planetology of Kuiper Belt Dwarf Planets Enabled by the Near-Term Interstellar Probe Decadal Survey for Planetary Science and Astrobiology White Papers : Runyon, K. 2020
Composition of Amazonian volcanic materials in Tharsis and Elysium, Mars, from MRO/CRISM reflectance spectra Icarus 328:274-286 Viviano, C. 2019
Compositional and structural constraints on the geologic history of eastern Tharsis Rise, Mars Icarus 284:43-58 Viviano-Beck, C. 2017
Craters as sand traps: Dynamics, history, and morphology of modern sand transport in an active Martian dune field Icarus : Roback, K. 2019
Delivering a projectile component to the vestan regolith Icarus 246:9 - 19 Daly, R. 2016
Ejecta from the DART-produced active asteroid Dimorphos Nature : Li, J. 2023
Episodic plate tectonics on Europa: Evidence for widespread patches of mobile-lid behavior in the antijovian hemisphere Journal of Geophysical Research Planets (submitted) : Collins, G. 2022
Europa Impact Events Create Surface-to-Ocean Connections Planetary Science Journal : Sandtorf-McDonald, J. 2024
Examining the Potential Contribution of the Hokusai Impact to Water Ice on Mercury Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 123:2628–2646 Ernst, C. 2018
Experimental Determination of Partitioning in the Fe-Ni system for Applications to Modeling Meteoritic Metals Meteoritics & Planetary Science 52:1133-1145 Chabot, N. 2017
Experimental Partitioning of Trace Elements into Schreibersite with Applications to IIG Iron Meteorites Meteoritics and Planetary Science : Chabot, N. 2020
Floor-Fractured Craters on Ceres and Implications for Interior Processes Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets : Buczkowski, D. 2018
Galileo NIMS: New ISIS3 tools for modernized data set handling and PDS4 re-archival 3rd Planetary Data Workshop :p. 7071 Cahill, J. 2017
Global Distribution and Spectral Properties of Low-Reflectance Material on Mercury Geophysical Research Letters 45: Klima, R. 2018
Global Hydrogen Abundances on the Moon Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets in review: Lawrence, D. 2022