Welcome to JHU-APL Data Archive
This site allows the management and archiving of APL published research data.
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Primary author name
Publication year
Compositional and structural constraints on the geologic history of eastern Tharsis Rise, Mars Icarus 284:43-58 |
Viviano-Beck, C. |
2017 |
Experimental Determination of Partitioning in the Fe-Ni system for Applications to Modeling Meteoritic Metals Meteoritics & Planetary Science 52:1133-1145 |
Chabot, N. |
2017 |
Galileo NIMS: New ISIS3 tools for modernized data set handling and PDS4 re-archival 3rd Planetary Data Workshop :p. 7071 |
Cahill, J. |
2017 |
Delivering a projectile component to the vestan regolith Icarus 246:9 - 19 |
Daly, R. |
2016 |
Imaging Mercury's Polar Deposits during MESSENGER's Low-altitude Campaign Geophysical Research Letters 43:9461-9468 |
Chabot, N. |
2016 |
The Ch-class asteroids: Connecting a visible taxonomic class to a 3-µm band shape The Astronomical Journal 150:198 |
Rivkin, A. |
2015 |
The Miniature Radio Frequency instrument's (Mini-RF) global observations of Earth's Moon Icarus 243:173-190 |
Cahill, J. |
2014 |
Asteroid 21 Lutetia at 3 micrometers: Observations with IRTF SpeX Icarus 216:62-68 |
Rivkin, A. |
2011 |
Parachute Deployment on Venus : Recovery of the Pioneer Venus Large Probe Entry Accelerometer Data : |
Ralph, L. |
— |
Heterogeneity of the Noachian crust of Mars using CRISM Multispectral Mapping Data : |
Viviano, C. |
— |
An Engineering Model of Turbulence in the Venus Atmosphere for the DAVINCI Mission : |
Lorenz, R. |
— |