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Paper Primary author name Publication year
Parachute Deployment on Venus : Recovery of the Pioneer Venus Large Probe Entry Accelerometer Data : Ralph, L.
Heterogeneity of the Noachian crust of Mars using CRISM Multispectral Mapping Data : Viviano, C.
An Engineering Model of Turbulence in the Venus Atmosphere for the DAVINCI Mission : Lorenz, R.
Asteroid 21 Lutetia at 3 micrometers: Observations with IRTF SpeX Icarus 216:62-68 Rivkin, A. 2011
The Miniature Radio Frequency instrument's (Mini-RF) global observations of Earth's Moon Icarus 243:173-190 Cahill, J. 2014
The Ch-class asteroids: Connecting a visible taxonomic class to a 3-µm band shape The Astronomical Journal 150:198 Rivkin, A. 2015
Delivering a projectile component to the vestan regolith Icarus 246:9 - 19 Daly, R. 2016
Imaging Mercury's Polar Deposits during MESSENGER's Low-altitude Campaign Geophysical Research Letters 43:9461-9468 Chabot, N. 2016
Compositional and structural constraints on the geologic history of eastern Tharsis Rise, Mars Icarus 284:43-58 Viviano-Beck, C. 2017
Experimental Determination of Partitioning in the Fe-Ni system for Applications to Modeling Meteoritic Metals Meteoritics & Planetary Science 52:1133-1145 Chabot, N. 2017
Galileo NIMS: New ISIS3 tools for modernized data set handling and PDS4 re-archival 3rd Planetary Data Workshop :p. 7071 Cahill, J. 2017
Timelapse Imaging of Dust Devils at Eldorado Playa, Nevada Aeolian Research 33:33-43 Lorenz, R. 2018
Image Simulation and Assessment of the Colour and Spatial Capabilities of the Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) on the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter Space Science Reviews 214:18 Tornabene, L. 2018
Investigating Mercury’s South Polar Deposits: Arecibo Radar Observations and High-resolution Determination of Illumination Conditions Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets : Chabot, N. 2018
Global Distribution and Spectral Properties of Low-Reflectance Material on Mercury Geophysical Research Letters 45: Klima, R. 2018
Floor-Fractured Craters on Ceres and Implications for Interior Processes Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets : Buczkowski, D. 2018
Examining the Potential Contribution of the Hokusai Impact to Water Ice on Mercury Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 123:2628–2646 Ernst, C. 2018
Composition of Amazonian volcanic materials in Tharsis and Elysium, Mars, from MRO/CRISM reflectance spectra Icarus 328:274-286 Viviano, C. 2019
Infrared Spectroscopy of Large, Low-Albedo Asteroids: Are Ceres and Themis Archetypes or Outliers? Journal of Geophysical Research : Rivkin, A. 2019
Optical constants of iron and nickel metal and an assessment of their relative influences on silicate mixture spectra from the FUV to the NIR Icarus 317:229-241 Cahill, J. 2019
Science Objectives of a Mission to the Lunar Permanently Shadowed Regions : Hurley, D. 2019
Icy Discoveries on Our Innermost Planet Scientia : Chabot, N. 2019
Craters as sand traps: Dynamics, history, and morphology of modern sand transport in an active Martian dune field Icarus : Roback, K. 2019
Anomalous Phyllosilicate‐Bearing Outcrops South of Coprates Chasma: A Study of Possible Emplacement Mechanisms Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets 124: Buczkowski, D. 2019
Impact Melt Facies in the Moon’s Crisium Basin: Identifying, Characterizing, and Future Radiogenic Dating JGR-P : Runyon, K. 2020